The Booktube-a-thon is so close!!!
For all of you who don't know what that is; it's a 1 week read-a-thon when you have to try to read as much and as many books as possible. There are no rules, but there are challenges to make it more fun and challenging. Everyone is free to be part of it, it doesn't matter if you don't have a youtube channel or a blog or anything like that. It's hosted on Youtube on the account Abooktubeathon. This year's Booktube-A-Thon begings on the 3rd of August and ends on the 9th. If you want more information about it, I posted another post about it earlier this month so you might want to have a look at that.
So, not long ago (I think it was last week) we found out what the READING CHALLENGES are going to be. They all sound like they are going to be really fun and, of course, challenging. I personally don't think I'm going to be able to complete them all, but in this post i'm going to show you what the challeges are and what books I'm going to aim to read for every one of them.
1. Read a book with BLUE on it's COVER
I think this is a fairly easy challege since nearly half of the books I own have blue on their front cover. So, for this challenge I will be reading Savage by Nancy Holden and Debbie Viguié.
2. Read a book by an AUTHOR who shares the same FIRST LETTER OF YOUR SURNAME
For this challenge I will be reading If I Stay by Gayle Forman. I know! its really bad that I haven't read it until now, BUT i haven't watched the movie so it's all good. And even though this isn't a kind book that i would pick up, I've heard so many good comments about its so I'm really excited to be reading it!
3. Read SOMEONE ELSE'S favourite book
I'm really lucky to have friends that love to read as much as I do, so I was fortunate enough to ask them what their favourite books were. And most of the books they said were books that I've already read, but this one, I haven't read yet and it's been sitting on my bookshelf for about 5 months but i never got a chance to read it. The book I'm talkin about is Teardrop by Lauren Kate.
4. Read the LAST book you ACQUIRED
For this challenge I'll be reading Waterfall by Lauran Kate! because it's the last book I bought. And yes!, this is the second book in the Teardrop series which is really good because I'll be reading the first book too during this challenge.
5. Start and FINISH a book... WITHOUT LETTING OF IT!
this challenge is going tobe the hardest one, I think. I'm really excited about becuase I've never done anything like it which makes it even more exciting! so for this challenge I'm going to use the same book as for challenge number two and the book is If I Stay by Gayle Forman. I'm just using this because it'll make it easier to complete the 7 challenges ( 1 book, 2 challeges done) and also because it's the shortest book I'm planning on reading.
6. Read a book you REALLY WANT TO READ
I'm going to be reading Heart of Tango by Elia Barceló. I'm choosing this book because I met the author not long ago and i was really excited to read it the, but then forgot about it. But a few weeks ago, i was looking through my bookshelf and found it and now I'm really excited to read it. And btw, Elia is so nice and her books are all amazing!
7. Read 7 books during the week
So, I will be reading all of the books above, plus Where She Went by Gayle Forman. This book looks like nice, short read so that's mainly why I'm choosing it.
And that's all! What do you think? What are you going to read?